Wednesday 25 January 2012


I am REALLY into advertising.
Always have been.
So recently I have been thinking what makes a memorable add...
This is my opinion.

They have to be REALLY GREAT- The Coca-Cola Christmas Ad.
They have to be REALLY SHIT- Goooo Comparrrreee

Love them or hate them, Great or Shit ad's ARE memorable. Good ad's aren't.

Be GREAT or be SHIT that way it's memorable.
Just like this blog. But then again this isn't just any blog, it's an M&S blog...(Please don't sue me M&S)

Thursday 5 January 2012

2012...Not Hired...But I wouldn't change it for the world.

Ok. No promises this will be good...
Firstly thanks for the amazing support I had during and after The Young Apprentice.
Secondly, I should be revising.
Thirdly, I will revise later instead. (MUCH LATER...Like next week?)

So 2011- what a year. This time last year if someone said to me I would be a Young Apprentice Finalist I would have laughed it off...Not that I didn't believe I could do it, but that it's a pretty big deal. And I do feel extremely honoured. Lots of interesting things happened in 2011. AS-Level results. A few small business ventures. And of course The Young Apprentice.

But...we all know how 2011 ended for me (DUM DUM DUMMM). I finished Runner Up (A nice way of saying lost).  I enter 2012 not hired (but not unemployed- I'm at school)...But I wouldn't change it for the world. I am delighted with the experience I had, and learned enough about business and myself that in a strange way it felt like a personal victory. Ohhhh look at me getting all personal and emotional. I can't see to type anymore I am being blinded by tears...jjqjiqeskliw...not really I was TRYING to be funny.

So 2012 has been straight back to reality. I make my own coffee, I have to do my homework, and at school I even had to pick up rubbish that fell out of the bin! It was actually so disgusting. As you can imagine I was screaming in my apparently monotone voice "I COMPLETELY DISAGREE! LOOK AT WHAT MY LIFE HAS COME TO! I HATE LITTER". When my friends are annoying me I remind them "I'm kind of a big deal" hahaha...

It's not all normal though, I have "chats" with amazing companies lined up and plenty of public speaking bookings. Will shamelessly plug this and my email:

The main things I wanted to get across in this blog was;
Thanks for supporting me
And I'm pretty happy that things have worked out the way they have. (Just incase you got lost in all the emotion)

I'm reading this thinking it's pretty crap...who cares, you've read it now. And just like me you wouldn't change it for the world. Oh dear how cheesy was that?

Apprentice James/ Captain Vanilla